KiTa Friedensallee

Kindergarten Friedensallee

kindergarten with a focus on movement

The huge outdoor area with lots of trees providing plenty of shade right in the middle of Hamburg Bahrenfeld were key when deciding where to situate „Freie Kindergärten Elbvororte‘s“ childcare with its focus on movement.


The associated inner part is located at the ground floor of a typical office complex with a rigid grid. By close cooperation with the childcare‘s team and the parents council the floor is transformed into a colourful institution for 80 children. The open pedagogical concept was met by rooms that float openly into each other.

The budget was tight and called for a lot of creativity by everyone involved in order to meet the demanding goals. Heart and centre of the childcare is the spacious corridor linking restaurant and movement area with each other.

It is where feasts, exhibition and the parents Café take place. During winter it is also space for playing adding to the openly designed group and functional areas which are facing the garden.

gross area 600 m2
building cost 400.000 € KG 300+400

year 2003
size 4 Gruppen
hoai phases 1-8 NeuStadtArchitekten Diesing Bulla GbR
planning Iris Bulla 1.BA, Petra Diesing 2.BA
Freie Kindergärten Elbvororte e.V.
mep REESE Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG

pictures Marc Oliver

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Kindergarten Friedensallee Schwarzplan

gross area 600 m²  //  building cost 400.000 € KG 300+400 //  year 2003 //  hoai phases 1-8 Neustadtarchitekten

Kindergarten Friedensallee Essbereich
KiTa Friedensallee
Kindergarten Friedensallee Grundriss